Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Buyer Beware: Kid Safe Scissors Can Still Cause a Painful Snip Snip

Dear friends,

It has come to my attention today that, unfortunately for all the femi-nazi gestapos that I had the privilege of attending school with, the male sex does in fact think with their external genitalia. So all of you out there who thought men should be castrated to be clear headed or whatever, I present you this case. Now, let it be known that I am aware that most experimental studies have their fallouts, inconsistencies, and inconclusiveness, which is the science equivalent of "Dude, I suck my best friend off when we're drunk, but that doesn't mean I'm not, I mean, doesn't mean I'm gay."

Straight from the horse's mouth (and by horse I mean press and by press I also mean piggish man. Yeah! Cooter is the fine fruit of the masses! Taste the succulent! Without an anatomical nutbag in our way, FEMALE can rise above the patriarchal society that holds us down! May all men burn in hell, NEIN!, die slow grisly deaths from pus-seeping Ghonnerea!) Sorry, got carried away by all the propaganda.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Men who have had a vasectomy may face an increased risk of developing a rare type of dementia marked by a steady loss of language skills, researchers said on Tuesday.

Researchers at Northwestern University in Illinois, writing in the journal Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology, linked this male sterilization surgery to a neurological condition called primary progressive aphasia, or PPA.

Therefore, let it be said that if we are to lose our balls, we could potentially prove to lose the little cognitive function we possess. So don't roast our nuts, coddle them. Fondle them like you would a baby giraffe.

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