Friday, February 2, 2007

Monkey Spackle: Spank Your Monkey Ways Right Out Onto the Floor - $3.95 with Proof of Purchase

Thinking back on the good old days, of dancing skeletons and 16bit computer games, one always comes to mind - Monkey Island. Young Guybrush Threepwood comes to Pirate Island in search for Monkey Island, an isle of insurmountable treasures. Standing in his way is the Pirate Captain LeChuck. It doesn't really sound all that entertaining when you talk about it like this but all I know is that if one of the objectives in the game is to steal a large basset hound from a house and smuggle it away by shoving him down your pants, then you have yourself a pretty sweet deal.

But, this is about one of our favorite cultural (alas, not my culture) icons, the dancing skeleton. See below for details.

This post is probably just a personal fetish but I figured I can make an appeal to other like minded fools.

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