Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Drink Bilk It Does a Body Good and Wasted. Clever Japanese People Are At It Again

In the news, a small liquor shop/brewery in Hokkaido, Japan released a new drink: Bilk.
From Reuters:
Nakahara's new brew, "Bilk" -- a combination of "milk" and "beer" -- is about 30 percent milk. It also contains hops, and the production process does not differ much from that of regular beer, he said.

His shop started selling Bilk, which apart from a slight milky scent looks and tastes like ordinary beer, on February 1 after spending about six months developing the product with a local brewer.

Now we can have strong bones and damaged livers! Awesome. Although there might not be any nutritional value after the brewing...so...we have damaged livers. And thus we ask, has anything really changed at all?

It does entice me to do a little gastronomic home experiment. This is the challenge for you. (If I involve you in some excitement, it makes you more likely to do stupid shit for me.)

Take a pint of beer of your choice (I would recommend a dark beer.) Pour it in a glass 70% full, then fill the remaining 30% with whole milk. Taste it. If you live to see the day, and it tastes pretty good, I'll financially back your endeavors and start marketing it at some suburban kid's lemonade stand. We'll make a killing. Fruity fun in the Sun! (Bilk apparently tastes fruity. I'm not saying completely unfounded nonsense all the time. Although, one must admit that as you read these entries you ask: Does he, in fact, have Tourette's? I'll never tell.)

While we are on the topic of milk, it seems that the top news of the day at The Sun in the British Isles, are two equally lame things.

1. Robbie williams is in rehab. He was in a boyband. (Pasty, white, like milk.)
2. British girls apparently have the largest average boob size in Europe. Which can only mean one thing-- in the evolutionary long run of things, all people gain one evolutionary advantage. Heightened brain function, honed mental capacity, increased muscle dexterity, quicker neural synapses, and bigger boobs to distract from all the ugly.

And Anna Nicole is still dead.

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